To all of our clients,

At Virtec I.T. Solutions the health and wellbeing of our clients and employees are of the utmost importance. With this in mind, we would like to give you an update on what measures we have in place and the manner in which we will approach continuing to support you.

We are fortunate enough to be in a position to that we can function remotely with little impact to our day to day operations and the service we provide you. We are also classified by the UK Government as being “Critical Workers” under the “Utilities, communication and financial services” and “information technology and data infrastructure sector and primary industry supplies” sections.

No changes to our point of contact options have changed and you can still continue to use the following methods :

Telephone : 01304 279179 - (Option 1 – Sales / Option 2 – Technical Support / Option 3 – Accounts)

Email :

That said, given the nature of our business and the way we support you, you may require a site visit for items that cannot be resolved remotely. In these situations we are taking as many steps as required to protect ALL of our clients and staff, as well as including the below :

  • Continue to monitor all WHO and Government Guidelines for any changes
  • Issuing our remote engineers with a mixture of masks, sanitary hand gels, wipes and gloves
  • Issuing hygiene guidelines and asking all our staff to follow this around personnel and kit hygiene.
  • We ask that all clients let us know if they are experiencing any flu-like symptoms, and if they have returned from any area of high risk within the last 7-10 days.
  • If we suspect a member of our staff to have COVID-19 or be experiencing any common associated symptoms, they will be asked to suspend any on site client activities for 7-10 days and will return upon confirmation of a negative LFT.
  • Our site engineers are periodically carrying out COVID-19 LFT's.

Finally, and most importantly – We are here to help you and your business! We likely already provide services to you and can certainly provide options for allowing your staff to work remotely (some of these options you may already have, but are unaware of?) and some available at no additional cost. We can review hosted VoIP Phones, 365 Email, OneDrive/SharePoint, Microsoft Teams and many other remote solutions. Our advise is free and if you have been advised on options by others please feel free to ask us questions.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support, custom and want to reassure you that we are here for you. We understand that this situation will impact everyone differently, but we are all in this together and we are here to support you.

If you have any questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to get in contact.

The Virtec IT Team